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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

==== Prerequisites ==== 1. IDA Pro 6.0 and above 2. installed qemu-0.14 and above ==== Preparations ==== 1. Open your all bios.rom image on IDA Pro. 2 Run relocate script 3. Place bios.rom, vgacirrus-bios.bin (from qemu site), bios_name.idb, linux.img in the current folder 4. Start qemu in debugging mode "qemu -s -S -L . -m 256 -hda linux.img -localtime -M pc -nographic" (-s enables GDB stub and -S instructs QEMU to stop at the system start) also you can : -parallel /dev/parportN (this map virtual qemu parport to your phisical parallel port) -serial pipe:filename (redirect serial output to the filename as pipe) play with -acpitable , -smbios, -option-rom, -usbdevice, -device options... (see man qemu) QEMU will stop and wait for the debugger. 5. In IDA Pro Debugger->Switch debugger choose Remote GDB debugger Then open debugger options dialog {{1.png}} Check “Stop on debugging start” , enable logging of all events. check “Reconstruct the stack”, “Show debugger breakpoint instructions” Then push the “Set specific options” button, and see this dialog: {{2.png}}

ida_pro_tracing.1369125964.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/21 08:46 by xvilka